Ekeland Recomandetion
“Dear Dr. Meghea,
… I am very happy that people [...] are taking an interest in the variational principle, and I find your book an excellent summary of the situation. I hope it will have many readers.
For my part, I am convinced that we are still very far from having explored all its potential. …
Ivar Ekeland
Canada Research Chair in Mathematical Economics
University of British Columbia”
Dear Dr. Meghea,
I wish to congratulate you for publishing this monograph at Philadelphia and Paris. I am also convinced that it is "an excellent summary of the situation", as the only thing I deem you capable of ever producing is a compendium. Surely, an intellectual capable of producing such a work in English should be capable of spelling "recommendation" properly - yet, you spell "recoMAndEtion".
Of course, you will say that "not knowing the English language can't disqualify me as a mathematician". Nothing can, since you received a PhD. But not knowing the English language does mean one thing. And rest assured, I’m not talking about the finer points of Shakespeare, but basic things, such as spelling "recommendation" properly and knowing that "everyone" is used only for people and not for objects, to name just a couple. Not knowing the English language does disqualify you as an intellectual capable of producing such a book by means other than compiling this and that. What is infinitely more severe is that I have reason to believe you are otherwise incapable of producing any work whatsoever, and that you actually make it a point of proving this to all your students, year after year.
A concerned citizen